Santos Lose Southwest Union Championship Match

Scottsdale, AZ - April 29th, 2023

April 29, 2023 - DW

Los Santos of the Santa Fe Rugby Club lost the championship match of the Southwest Rugby Union championships in Scottsdale, Arizona on Saturday night, bowing to the Tucson Magpies 63 points to 19.

After an energetic 57-36 victory over the Scottsdale Blues on Friday evening, the Santos attack sputtered against Tucson’s smothering defense. The Magpies built a 32-17 halftime lead and slammed the door on a brief Santa Fe comeback in the second stanza to win the right to represent the Southwest Rugby Union in USA Rugby’s Division Three Final Four in Las Vegas, Nevada May 13-14.

With the completion of their most successful season since the COVID outbreak, Los Santos will play an independent summer schedule and conduct touch rugby sessions at the Municipal Recreation Complex throughout the summer.


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